The Film & The World (2022-2023)

Since 2015, Innovadora Stockholm has been collaborating with the Alvargården Film & Culture Center in Kastlösa in southern Öland.
Alvargården Film & Culture Center is an organizer of cultural events in the village of Kastlösa in southern Öland. At this unique meeting place, the focus is on film and the performing arts through the arrangement of lectures, seminars, workshops, courses and continuing education. The vision is to develop a cultural training center all year round.
The film & the world creates meetings and conversations between younger Swedish, prominent filmmakers and high school youth in the Kalmar region. The project aims to increase knowledge about what film means to society and how moving images can contribute to change and act as an inspiration for young people in a complex and troubled time. In this project, Alvargården Film & Culture Center targets a new and important target group: young people between 15-20 years of age.
PROJECT MANAGERS Dan Sabel, Shari Sabel Strandmark