Leading Leaders (2018-2022)
Executive Community Leadership
Leadership training.
The leadership course Executive Community Leadership is taught at University of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in collaboration with University of Jönköping. The course is taught during a period of one year.
CO-TEACHERS Paco Llorente, Maria Zachs, Malena Liedholm Ndounou.
TEAM Siddhartha Meneses, Roberto Nello, Melissa Flores Quiroga, Shari Sabel Strandmark
The course consists of five modules given over a year and targets managers and project managers within Ethiopian civil society. The course addresses a range of different topics such as cooperation, conflict management, diversity and highlights in particular the importance of dialogue between leader and employee. Since 2018, Innovadora has been working as consultant and function as co-teachers during delivery of the course.